FOR JUNE 1, 2010
President Hastings called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m.
Deputy Clerk Klukis called the roll with the following results. Present: President Kyle R. Hastings, Deputy Clerk Klukis, Trustees: O'Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison, and Gnech, Administrator Daly, Attorney Liz Shine, Recreation Director Bilina, Building Commissioner Ennesser, Deputy Chief Blaha. Absent: Clerk Burke, Public Works Director Worley, Chief Scully and ESDA Director Leddin.
With a quorum having been established, a salute to the flag was proffered.
President’s Report: President Hastings.
Mayor Hastings read Proclamation # 2010-1024, establishing Olympic Day into the record.
Clerk’s Report: Deputy Clerk KlukisDeputy Clerk Klukis requested support of a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of the Village President and the Board of Trustees for May 19, 2010, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Morrison, seconded by Trustee O’Neill. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Vehicle Sticker Design Contest presentation was made by Deputy Clerk Klukis and Mayor Hastings.
Trustee Roti moved and Trustee Janachowski seconded a motion to recess for fifteen minutes at 8:18 PM. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was recessed. Trustee O’Neill moved and Trustee Morrison seconded a motion to return to the regular order of business at 8:37 PM. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was resumed.Administrator’s Report: John A. Daly.
Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with the Nextira One LLC, dba Black Box Network Services for Telephone System Maintenance Services, as presented. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, seconded by Trustee Roti. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with Crowe Horwath LLP for services relating to compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1996 covering use of federal funds in excess of $500,000, as presented. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, seconded by Trustee Hanley. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with Kane, McKenna and Associates for TIF Compliance Reporting services, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Janachowski, seconded by Trustee Hanley. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with Byrne-Johnson Roofing, Inc. of Tinley Park for roof repairs for the Village Complex, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Janachowski, seconded by Trustee Hanley. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with J. M. Home Remodeling of Palos Park for Board Room carpentry and installation work, as presented. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, seconded by Trustee Morrison. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve and authorization to execute documents with Cambridge Painting & Decorating of Homer Glen for Board Room painting and finishing work, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Morrison, seconded by Trustee Roti. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Administrator Daly commented on the status of the 167th Street Project as near completion.
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Liz Shine.
Attorney Shine requested support of a motion to authorize the Village Attorney to settle the 2003 and 2004 Tax Rate Objection cases at a rate of .001, as presented. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, seconded by Trustee Hanley. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. ***COMMITTEE REPORTS***Finance Report: Trustee O’Neill.
Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Hanley to approve Warrant #10-11-05; being all regular bill payments for this period, which report is titled as “Miscellaneous Accounts Payable,” and which report is dated June 1, 2010, in the amount of $177,152.23. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Developmental, Planning & Zoning: Trustee Gnech - No report at this time.
Police & Fire: Trustee Hanley.
Trustee Hanley moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve and autorization to execute documents with the Greater Will County Emergency Services Mutual Aid Association, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Public Works: Trustee Hanley - No report at this time.
Youth, Education and Recreation: Trustee Morrison.
Trustee Morrison moved, seconded by Trustee Roti to approve Program Instructor/Supervisor Agreements, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Trustee Morrison announced the activities that are upcoming in the department.
Mayor Hastings commented that the Play School Graduation was fabulous, and congratulated the Instructors and staff on a job well done.
Economic Development/ Environmental Committee: Trustee Gnech - No report at this time. Audience Comments: None. Old Business: None. Adjournment:No further business was to be heard so, President Hastings requested support of a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, Seconded by Trustee Gnech. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED - MEETING ADJOURNED.______________________
Mikki Burke VILLAGE CLERK(seal)