FOR MARCH 17, 2010
President Hastings called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m.
Clerk Burke called the roll with the following results. Present: President Kyle R. Hastings, Clerk Burke, Trustees: O'Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech, Administrator Daly, Attorney Amy Zale, Recreation Director Bilina, Building Commissioner Ennesser, Public Works Director Worley, Chief Scully, Deputy Chief Blaha. Absent: ESDA Director Leddin.
With a quorum having been established, a salute to the flag was proffered.
President’s Report: President Hastings.
Mayor Hastings read into the record Proclamation # 2010-1013, Fair Housing Month.
Mayor Hastings read into the record Proclamation # 2010-1014, National Library Week.
Mayor Hastings read into the record Proclamation # 2010-1015, Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Clerk’s Report: Clerk BurkeClerk Burke requested support of a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of the Village President and the Board of Trustees for March 3, 2010, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Morrison, seconded by Trustee Gnech. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Administrator’s Report: John A. Daly.
Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to approve the updated Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, as presented. Motion made by Trustee O’Neill, seconded by Trustee Morrison. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Attorney’s Report: Attorney Amy Zale - No report at this time.
***COMMITTEE REPORTS***Finance Report: Trustee O’Neill.
Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve Warrant #09-10-44; being all regular bill payments for this period, which report is titled as “Miscellaneous Accounts Payable,” and which report is dated March 17, 2010, in the amount of $123,662.58. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve Resolution #2010-1012, authorizing intervention in proceedings before the Property Tax Appeals Board, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Roti to approve and authorization to execute the engagement letter with Crowe Horwath LLP for auditing services, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Developmental, Planning & Zoning: Trustee Gnech.
Trustee Gnech moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve the updated Zoning Map for the Village, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Police & Fire: Trustee Hanley - No report at this time.
Public Works: Trustee Hanley.
Trustee Hanley moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve the advertising for Part-Time Summer Help, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee Hanley moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve and authorization to execute documents with American Mechanical Incorporated of Griffith, IN, for HVAC maintenance, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee Hanley moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve and authorization to execute documents with Utility Service Partners, Inc. of Canonsburg, PA., for Sanitary Sewer and Water Supply Utility Connection Maintenance and Repair Program, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Youth, Education and Recreation: Trustee Morrison.
Trustee Morrison moved, seconded by Trustee Roti to approve the Orland Hills Wolves Youth Cheerleading Association’s Cheer Camp, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee Morrison moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve the waiver of indoor usage fees for the Orland Hills Wolves Youth Cheerleading Association’s Cheer Camp, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Trustee Morrison announced the program activities.
Economic Development/ Environmental Committee: Trustee Gnech - No report at this time. Audience Comments: None. Old Business: None. Adjournment:No further business was to be heard so, President Hastings requested support of a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm. Motion made by Trustee Morrison, Seconded by Trustee Roti. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED - MEETING ADJOURNED.______________________