President Hastings called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Clerk Burke called the roll with the following results. Present: President Kyle R. Hastings, Clerk Burke, Trustees: O'Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison (8:04), Gnech, Administrator Daly, Attorney Zale, Recreation Director Bilina, Building Commissioner Ennesser, Chief Scully, Deputy Chief Blaha and ESDA Director Leddin. Absent: Public Works Director Worley.
With a quorum having been established, a salute to the flag was proffered.
President’s Report: President Hastings.
President Hastings read aloud Proclamation # 2009-1207 establishing Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day in the Village of Orland Hills.
Clerk’s Report: Clerk BurkeClerk Burke requested support of a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of the Village President and the Board of Trustees for November 18, 2009, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Gnech, seconded by Trustee O’Neill. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Administrator’s Report: John A. Daly.
Administrator Daly requested support of a motion to accept the Annual Police Pension Report, as presented. Motion made by Trustee Gnech, seconded by Trustee Roti. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.
President Hastings welcomed Judge George Scully and offered the opportunity for him to address the Village Board. Judge Scully complimented the Village on an excellently operated “Turkey Trot”, in which he had participated on the previous weekend.
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Amy Zale - No report at this time.
***COMMITTEE REPORTS***Finance Report: Trustee O’Neill
Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve Warrant #09-10-30; being all regular bill payments for this period, which report is titled as “Miscellaneous Accounts Payable,” and which report is dated December 2, 2009, in the amount of $184,133.69. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve and authorize the execution of documents, with AFCO of Oakbrook Terrace, for financing of the commercial lines insurance premiums, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve and authorize the execution of documents, with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Illinois, for renewal of the current Health Benefit Plan, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve and authorize the execution documents, with Illinois Public Risk Fund, for renewal of the Worker’s Compensation Coverage Plan, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski, to approve Ordinance # 2009-012, adopting the Cable & Video Customer Protection Law, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Roti to approve Agreement # 2009-1028, approving a franchise agreement and authorizing the execution of documents, with Comcast of Illinois X, LLC, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Gnech to approve Ordinance # 2009-013, approving the General Corporate Tax Levy for 2009, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve Resolution # 2009-1029, establishing certain criteria, in accordance with the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED. Trustee O’Neill moved, seconded by Trustee Janachowski to approve Ordinance # 2009-014, approving the Special Service Area #1 Tax Levy for 2009, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Developmental, Planning & Zoning: Trustee Gnech - No report at this time.
Police & Fire: Trustee Hanley - No report at this time.
Public Works: Trustee Hanley.
Trustee Hanley moved, seconded by Trustee Morrison to approve and authorize the execution of documents, with FCC Corporation and Caputo Southwest Cement, for snow plowing services, as presented. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.Youth, Education and Recreation: Trustee Morrison.
Trustee Morrison announced the upcoming Christmas program activities.
Economic Development/ Environmental Committee: Trustee Gnech - No report at this time. Audience Comments: None. Old Business: None. Adjournment:No further business was to be heard so, President Hastings requested support of a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm. Motion made by Trustee Morrison, Seconded by Trustee Gnech. Ayes: Trustees: O’Neill, Roti, Janachowski, Hanley, Morrison and Gnech. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED - MEETING ADJOURNED.______________________
Mikki Burke VILLAGE CLERK(seal)