Mayor Kyle R. Hastings this past year introduced another balanced budget to the Orland Hills Village Board. Our Village Trustees ratified the budget for the upcoming year. This marks the 27th year in a row the Village of Orland Hills passed a balanced budget!
While the State of Illinois, Cook County, and surrounding towns have problems balancing their budgets and need to cut programs, Orland Hills continues to balance the budget without cutting programs or services for our residents. In fact, we have added holiday programs like our new Easter Bunny Parade, The Santa Drive-In, and the Santa Parade to name a few. “Throughout my tenure as Mayor, we have worked very hard to provide high quality services such as infrastructure improvements, recreation programs, and public safety improvements,” Mayor Hastings said. “I am proud to have balanced the budget for 27 years in a row while being your Mayor. We have and we will continue to balance our budgets with great care and fiscal responsibility.” Our Village is excited about 2021! We will continue our plan of resurfacing streets, adding new environmental/economical hybrid police cars, Lake Lorin improvements, and enhancing our parks.